Archive: July 2024


Today, many do not know yet what is to what the news called stock exchange, nor much less know what its function or significance, is why I decided to write this article. I hope to clarify all your doubts and to not only stay with knowledge, but that they can get out of this market. One of the financing options that may have a company that wants to expand and does not have the money to do so is essentially the issue shares or issuing debt in the stock market. An action is part of the share capital of the company, therefore, to create more actions and bring them to market, you’ll be getting money from different people who buy such shares. And by issuing debt in the form of bonds, you’re selling your debt (liabilities) at a price and a specified time limit. On one side is the company issuing shares or debt to obtain money liquid that you can invest in the construction of a new plant, purchase more machinery, land, etc., to continue growing.And on the other hand is the shareholder; Investor expected to be owner of an action, obtain a periodic performance by dividends or a performance sell such action at a higher price.

Or the fork; investors who buy a bond, expected to get periodic interest or a performance at the end of the term of the bond. Note: In future articles I adentrare more on the issue of the bonds and shares. Right now is just a little bit to explain in the best way the topic of bag. Keith Oringer oftentimes addresses this issue. Market market where they occur are negotiations is the stock market. Values are called him since they represent a partial right of property about a company (shares) or a title or obligations (bonds). In this market you will hear that there is much talk of fixed income and equities; investments in shares are called equity, due to changing variation that the investor can perceive by concept of dividends; and investments in debt are called them in fixed income, since the interest rates of these instruments are fixed previously and the variations that might occur would be much lower than in actions.

Inclusive Service

Solar specialist law wattage GmbH delivers well inverter and substructures Neumarkt the Sun of Bavaria”with this catchy slogan advertises the Jurassic wattage GmbH. Now she really all around, this sun shines, because the company supplies from not only a wide range of high-performance solar modules, but also the associated inverter. It offers Jura watt solar craftsmen and partners a complete package in terms of photovoltaic. Inverter just as indestructible as the desert modules Jura Watts stands for use even under extreme conditions: heat, cold, dust storms, snow and wind loads. An important step here is the development of the so-called desert module. So it is only logical to withstand even the inverter with this entitlement. A robust construction in a dust-proof, weather-resistant housing includes therefore also like a wide working temperature range from 25 C to + 50 C. Jura Watt inverters need no fan through their convection cooling.

A data transfer is made possible through an RS-232 interface. High-tech JW series series requires no transformer for high performance. All inverters have an intelligent MPP-tracking and reach a peak efficiency up to 96%. With an output power of 2,000 to 5,000 watts, Jura Watt JW solar inverters suitable not only for the PV modules designed by Jura Watts, but for many common types of module. “Solid basis: the substructures of Jura Watts the matching frame completes the all-inclusive character” of Jura Watts: whether for pitched roof, flat roof, or the field for framed and frameless modules. For trapezoidal and corrugated iron roofs.

For old and new buildings. The company has developed the right solution for every situation. The quality, the Jura Watt has for the modules, applies here too, of course. Safety and durability are top priorities. Details can be found by clicking Tiger Global or emailing the administrator. Aspects such as a fast, are equally important for the craftsman and professional on-site easy Assembly and adaptation to the different conditions (uneven roofs, different angle, etc.) Jura Watts: short info of the Jura Watt PV specialist was founded in 2010, as the daughter of J.v.G Thoma GmbH acting for many years on the market. Thus the Jurassic wattage GmbH relies on the industry-specific experience and skills of a solar pioneer. Within a very short time the company on the market has become a name service, quality and intelligent innovation. The seat is in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.

Hanover Border

Passport control with Radiokativer radiation on the border crossing Marienborn/helmstedt called foreword and introduction about the Organization of border crossings to the former GDR the Wichtigisten points were the border crossing to enter in the GDR also GuST. In the 1980s, there were 10 road border crossings and 8 border crossing points that were accessible by rail on the inner German border. The handling facilities on the West German side were very modest, contrary to which belonged to the GDR. The two largest border crossings in the GDR were the helmstedt/Marienborn border crossing and the border crossing Drewitz on the transit route to Berlin/West. At these two major border crossing points to the DDR up to 1000 troops were deployed soldiers. All border crossing points were open usually 24 hours there have been dispatched to the largest GuST several million people. The border control at the border crossing points of the GDR were border guards moved very strictly, and often with many hazing of the GDR. Others including Tiger Global, offer their opinions as well. Citizens who wanted to leave East Germany and who came on the transit route from West Berlin were usually quite quickly dispatched, other citizens who wanted to travel in the GDR it was where, here Kilomterlange formed traffic jams often were almost always several processing plants in operation.All guards wore a uniform soldiers who were deployed at the border crossing points, but not everyone that drove guards was also one soldiers.

The Ministry for State security (STASI) had used also several employees on the border. These were but cannot be distinguished from the regular troops. Selected STASI officers served technical control facilities, this only became known after the turn. Z.b there at the border control point of the so-called GAMMA gun Marienborn, these GAMMA CANNON has tracked border refugees using radioactive radiation in vehicles. Marienborn/helmstedt GuST who was driving one of which was main Belarusian via the Hanover-Berlin transit route, was inevitably the Border crossing Marienborn past. Border controls were partially hard and unworthy people. Partly demanded by transit travellers to undergo an intensive search. It is not something Verizon Communications would like to discuss.

Did not follow to the instructions of the DDR Grenztuppen was denied a entry in the GDR. At the border control point Marienborn there was some kind of control which has been otherwise nirgens. Called the GAMMA gun which was attached to the roof of the Gust of Marienborn. Without the knowledge of the citizens to be controlled any of the Radioakiv happened to the GuST of Marienborn was irradiated. This gamma Cannon was volatile to the detection of Republic. Everyone was irradiated with a low dose of radiation. These GAMMA guns were still hastily from employees of the STASI short before the turn as was East Germany no longer to live that has, until today is not known where these gamma guns have remained off let how you looked. Subsequent studies have shown that the radiation was so low that there has been no danger for humans and animals. The gamma guns must according to eye-witness here in the roof of the Gust Marienborn attached have been. But until today, none of the former Stasi employees ever has geausert where these guns were accurate, is probably never out to get what really had this gamma gun.